Climate Action - Melting Greenland
Welcome #MeltingGreenland Back to Taiwan!
After 23 days trekking across the Arctic, visiting 11 cities, interviewing scientists, former Prime Minister and local residents and witnessing first-hand the impacts of climate change, the Melting Greenland team...
Welcome #MeltingGreenland Back to Taiwan!
After 23 days trekking across the Arctic, visiting 11 cities, interviewing scientists, former Prime Minister and local residents and witnessing first-hand the impacts of climate change, the Melting Greenland team...
#MeltingGreenland Visits the Oldest Research St...
Our Melting Greenland team visited Arktisk Station (Arctic Station) in Qeqertarsuaq, the oldest research station in Greenland. Dr. Morten Rasch, the scientific leader who has dedicated 30 years to running...
#MeltingGreenland Visits the Oldest Research St...
Our Melting Greenland team visited Arktisk Station (Arctic Station) in Qeqertarsuaq, the oldest research station in Greenland. Dr. Morten Rasch, the scientific leader who has dedicated 30 years to running...
Melting Greenland Environmental Documentary
On 2022, on O'right's 20th anniversary, we deviated from the traditional extravagant celebration and reaffirmed our commitment to our core values. Continuing our dedication to empowering people through environmental education,...
Melting Greenland Environmental Documentary
On 2022, on O'right's 20th anniversary, we deviated from the traditional extravagant celebration and reaffirmed our commitment to our core values. Continuing our dedication to empowering people through environmental education,...